We’re proud to announce the release of Queensland’s secure, discreet, COVID-Safe QR Technology Based Guest Registry System. It’s called QR Guest Register and it was hatched in Brisbane, Australia.

We’ve begun releasing it across the city, to help reduce the continuation of the pandemic, whilst helping the government retain tracking initiatives to improve public safety. The system doesn’t reveal information, it doesn’t use it for anything but it’s purpose and then it’s deleted as per Government Legislated Guidelines after the designated timeframe.

Corporate software is just one way we can contribute to the landscape of safety innovation in Brisbane, Queensland Australia, and the QR Guest Register is just one way we’re showing that privacy of customers, shoppers and those progressing the retail sector, can be highly confidentially observed and respected.

Reducing physical transmission, pens and paper registers, increasing information fidelity of records, and maintaining accurate check-in and check-out times is also at the forefront of our minds, whilst also allowing businesses who are audited, to easily export records for Government use, and then get back to work, saving time in transcription of handwriting, or manually entering data into an excel spreadsheet.

We’re here to support Australian’s, and we enjoy the opportunity to always be involved in software solutions like the QR Guest Register that operate for a higher purpose. Stay safe Australia.